Cheekbone Formation, Botox-Brow Lift and Jawline Filler/Botox
10th February 2019
The Rise of ‘Brotox’- Botox for Men
10th February 2019

Neck Botox, DAO Botox & Marionette Filler

The neck is one of the biggest indicators of age but is often neglected when it comes to combatting aging. Savvy clients realise that it’s not just the face that needs attention when it comes to maintaining a youthful appearance and opt for neck and platysmal band Botox, often referred to as the Nefertiti neck lift. This, along with a lift of the depressor anguli oris muscles (these muscles are responsible for the drooping sides of the mouth), as well as filler to the marionette lines, are subtle yet very effective tweaks that can be made to refresh one’s appearance without drastic changes to your overall face shape.